Monday, August 30, 2021

Fort Detrick, the Real Source of COVID?


The Worrying Trend in FDA Vaccine Approvals

Do you seriously believe that the vaccines are safe? Lets examine the FDA approvals process this year for the Pfizer vaccines
Here is what happened after Pfizer receiving FDA approval, when Pfizer actually had to show their documents for approval

The British Medical Journal immediately put out a response the day after Pfizer got their so called full approval.

The report goes through the problems with the approval, including

1) They are using old data with a cut off date of 31 March 2021.

This means that the approval never even took into account:

2) The waning immunity from the vaccine. The figure they used for the approval is 91% which was in March, but by the time of the approval, some reports have shown as low as 39% efficacy.

3) The delta variant is not accounted for, which is making the vaccines less reliable

4) They used data for approval where only 7% of the placebo patients were already given the vaccine, making the double blind tests useless

5) The study was not designed to study severe disease

6) It was revealed they never even finished their double blind study properly

7) The lack of data transparency, and not even bothering to convene an advisory committee meeting, making the approval look like a rubber stamp

Furthermore, once you look at the FDA’s link to Big Pharma, you should be worried

The former Commissioner Scott Gottleib became a director of the Pfizer board!

His replacement, the one who was the commissioner when the vaccines got Emergency approval Steven Hahn, just recently joined the company that funded Moderna!

If any of these do not worry you yet, consider what happened recently.

In June, 3 members of the FDA resigned after the approval of an Alzheimers drug that the whole panel rejected, but got approved anyway

Then recently, another 2 top vaccine officials of the FDA resigned over Biden's booster shot plans.

The fox is in charge of the henhouse folks. And you chickens are welcoming the fox in with open arms

Bill Gates and Vaccines

 It's pretty clear by now that Bill Gates has his fingers in many pies

But do you know how many vaccine companies he is involved in?


1) Moderna

Bill Gates and Fauci have interests in Moderna

2) Sinovac

Bill Gates works closely with Sinovac at least since 2010, funding them and sharing their technology.  Many assume that Sinovac and Sinopharm were national companies initiated by China, but, the actual fact was that Bill Gates Foundation was closely involved in the initiation. 

Read more here: &

Why is this important?

One month before COVID outbreak, Fauci & Moderna sent "MRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidates" to Wuhan Lab-Linked doctor


Furthermore, he can use his influence to manipulate science

Recently, there was a study that supposedly showed that ivermectin was no more useful than placebo

The study’s results on Ivermectin haven’t been formally published or peer-reviewed.

Could have just put this in front and saved everyone’s time. The article is just ramblings about “anti-vaxxers” and “people threatening my family”. Total agenda driven garbage.

But then again, it's no surprise. Look at which university did this study

McMaster University is fundedby the Gates Foundation!

Off Label Use


Dr Peter McCullough explaning how doctors have always been able to use over the counter


Dr Rick Kelly explaining the same thing and the hypocrisy of the CDC


Dr. Roger Moczygemba has made this video to answer common questions about ivermectin, including its FDA-approval status, off label use and efficacy on COVID-19 patients.

Covid Vaccines, Menstruation, Fertility AND Cancer!

After Katharine Lee got her COVID-19 vaccine, she noticed an unusual side effect: a heavier period. She shared her observation with a fellow anthropologist, Kathryn Clancy, who had the same reaction. Clancy posted her findings on Twitter and the tweet went viral––apparently, they weren’t alone in this: thousands of people were experiencing similar side effects from the vaccination. The two biological anthropologists went on to launch a research study into the effects the COVID-19 vaccines might have on the menstrual cycle. Early findings: even some people who had aged out of periods, or were on hormone-suppressing drugs, experienced sudden, heavier periods. But this wasn’t one of the side effects that the CDC looked for in its studies. As it turns out: this comes from a long lineage of periods, and people with periods, being overlooked in scientific studies. VICE News digs into the history of how and why scientists have failed to adequately study periods and kept any information they do have away from the people who have them. And how that’s having very real consequences today.


From minute 36 onwards, Dr McCullough speaks about fertility, among them:

1) The trials for the vaccines intentionally exclude women and pregnant women

2) From animal studies, the fertility rates drop by 16%

3) The spike protein accumulates in the ovaries

A very serious concern is that usually, bleeding after menopause is a sign of cancer!

here, here and here.

This young lady took both of her Moderna shots and now she has been invited for cervical cancer screening because, according to the letter she received, 1,500 women have developed cancer after the vaccine.





Here's another troubling report, this time of a baby dying from blood clots from breast milk after the mother received the Pfizer jab. 

Update 4 Nov 2021

The state we are now with our vaccines

 1) As Fauci says above, if you get COVID, you have just as much viral load and can spread the virus just as easily, it makes no difference if you are vaccinated or unvaccinated

This pre print study shows this fact clearly 

The CDC also has a similar study here


Even the British Technical Report no20 shows on page 2 that 

 Link to the full report here

 This means even if you are vaccinated, you are not "protecting others", "flattening the curve" and you will not achieve "herd immunity" since it spreads regardless

2) But being vaccinated surely must do something to the spread right?

In fact, the vaccinated carry 251 times the viral load as the unvaccinated, making the vaccinated more of a threat to others than the unvaccinated 

The original report in the Lancet

3) The efficacy is dropping drastically according to these reports:

Study by the Mayo Clinic shows Pfizer's efficacy has dropped to 42% 

Israel's results show that Pfizer's efficacy has dropped even further to 39% and here


4) It doesn't provide more protection against hospitalizations than the unvaccinated

Israel shows more vaccinated people being hospitalized than unvaccinated people

Singapore are showing 75% of their hospitalized are vaccinated

Israel and Ireland showing 50% hospitalized are vaccinated

Even Ontario is showing nearly 50% vaccinated are hospitalized

Remember when Fauci used to claim that 99% of the hospitalized are the unvaccinated?

Well he has stopped making those claims when they actually bothered to find out. And this is what they found in a large study in the US:

The CDC found that 75% of the infections in Massachusetts are the vaccinated as opposed to the unvaccinated! 

So where did Fauci and the CDC get this 99% unvaccinated numbers come from?

They took the data from Jan to June, when the vaccinations haven't fully started yet! So everyone that got covid would be unvaccinnated! At that time, nearly nobody was vaccinated! Surely the hospitalizations would be nearly 100%!

5) Whatever protection you do get is waning so fast, you need a booster shot pretty soon

Fauci is recommending to Biden a booster shot in 5 months!

6) But at least you won't die right? Not so fast!

These are the technical data from the UK

UK Technical Briefing no 20. Page 18. Vacc 65% death rate in July

UK Technical Briefing no 21: Roughly 2 to 1 vacc dying over unvacc, Page 23 in August

UK Technical Briefing no 23 - 2 to 1 vacc dying more than unvacc Page 22 in Sept

Pfizer's Lobbying

 Pfizer Bribery





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Men Who Wanted To Be Left Alone

The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of “Men who wanted to be left Alone”.

They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love.

They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it.

They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over.

The moment the “Men who wanted to be left Alone” are forced to fight back, it is a form of suicide.

They are literally killing off who they used to be.

Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these “Men who wanted to be left Alone”, fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives.

They fight with raw hate, and a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who are merely play-acting at politics and terror.

TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people’s door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy… but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the “Men who just wanted to be left alone.”

Author Unkown


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